Move the Chain

Move the Chain
Move the Chain

"Our mission is to help organizations keep their employees engaged, informed and connected! "

Mylene Padone

CEO at Move the Chain

  • Name:

    Move the Chain

  • Headquarters:

    Connecticut, USA

  • Industry:

    Information Technology and Services

  • Type of company:


  • Founded:


  • Size:


  • Our Mission

    Our mission is to help corporations and employees connect with each other through communities, fun events, fundraisers, volunteering events and more. Our platform also allows companies to partner with the right nonprofits to do good.


    Adi Kadic

    QA Engineer

    "I'm proud to be part of a company that fosters meaningful connections and positive impact. 3 years and counting!"

    Our Values

    Causes we support

    Our Awards

    We want to create a workplace atmosphere that affects our team's growth, attitude, and mindset. We always encourage honest communication, a productive atmosphere, compassionate team members, growth opportunities, good work-life balance.2

    Employee voices 💜




    Paid industry certifications

    Company Equity

    Above market salary

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    Move the Chain

    Move the Chain is an all-in-one employee platform where gamified teamwork revolutionizes engagement and amplifies your team's social impact.

    All rights reserved © Move the Chain