Move the Chain

Move the Chain
Move the Chain

"Our mission is to help organizations keep their employees engaged, informed and connected! "

Mylene Padone

CEO at Move the Chain

  • Name:

    Move the Chain

  • Headquarters:

    Connecticut, USA

  • Industry:

    Information Technology and Services

  • Type of company:


  • Founded:


  • Size:


  • $0

    Move the Chain has helped raise $0 by contributing $0 to fundraisers. All matched donations went directly to the nonprofits.

    $0 - funds donated by Move the Chain

    $0 - funds donated by Individuals

    $0 - funds donated by employees

    Largest donations



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    Move the Chain

    Move the Chain is an all-in-one employee platform where gamified teamwork revolutionizes engagement and amplifies your team's social impact.

    All rights reserved © Move the Chain