Move the Chain

Gaza Emergency Appeal

$0 raised

$20k goal

Campaign ends on June 4, 2025.
You have 263 days left to support this cause!






The people of Gaza are enduring the devastating consequences of the ongoing war, with civilians paying a horrific price. More than 3 million individuals in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are in desperate need of urgent humanitarian aid and protection. You can be crucial in supporting families caught up in this catastrophic situation. The Global Fund and humanitarian partners are actively delivering life-saving assistance to those affected. By donating, you contribute to the Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund, one of the quickest and most effective channels for providing urgent relief on the ground. This Fund continuously collects contributions, ensuring swift and direct support to a diverse range of partners addressing the highest priority humanitarian activities in the region. Your generosity will directly and meaningfully impact the lives of those facing immense challenges in Gaza


Gaza Emergency Appeal

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