Move the Chain

Loving Hands for the Needy, Food Pantry

$0 raised

$13k goal

Campaign closed on February 1, 2024.
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Loving Hands for the Needy Inc. (LHFN) is a non-profit Christian humanitarian organization that is committed to loving those in need. Our high-level goal is alleviating poverty; and our primary avenue for effecting this change is in caring for at risk children by providing an environment of safety, security, and nurture. LHFN provides comprehensive education of life skills to empower youth to mature into fully capable adults and leaders in their communities--this education includes preventing domestic violence and employing abstinence to promote healthy families and relationships. By mentoring youth early, our hope is to diminish delinquency and optimize productive contributors to society.

​At our care center, we provide Homework Assistance, Nutrition Education, Life Skills and Summer Program to Children 5-18 years of ages. Our heart is to defend, protect and promote the children and families in our programs in the best interest of children and families drives all decision making.


Loving Hands for the Needy, Food Pantry

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