See how Move the Chain can help you engage your employees

Move the Chain


Unlock the power of data with our comprehensive reporting and analytics dashboard. Gain actionable insights into employee engagement, social impact, and more.


Actionable insights are easily accessible at your fingertips

Make data-driven decisions that align with your company's values and objectives, all while fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Employees Engagement

Our comprehensive suite of dashboards and reports allows you to access the essential employee engagement and material impact data, whenever you need it.

Causes, Nonprofits, Interests & Hobbies

Gain a holistic view of what matters most to your employees. Our analytics tools allow you to track engagement levels across various causes, nonprofits, hobbies, and interests. Use this data to align your philanthropic initiatives and employee engagement programs more effectively.

Gain In-Depth Insights for Strategic Planning

Turn data into actionable insights with our robust analytics platform. Whether it's employee engagement metrics, social impact data, or feedback analytics, we provide you with the tools to make informed decisions that drive positive change.

Assess Impact by Specific Activities

Quantify the social impact of your organization's activities with precision. Our platform allows you to measure the effectiveness of various initiatives, from charitable giving to volunteering, providing you with a comprehensive view of your social impact. Make every action count and every impact measurable

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Move the Chain

Move the Chain is an all-in-one employee platform where gamified teamwork revolutionizes engagement and amplifies your team's social impact.

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